Accessories for the 407228: Heavy Duty pH/mV/Temperature Meter Kit

PH4-P: 4pH Buffer Solution (2 Bottles)

Pint size bottles with 4pH buffer solution


PH7-P: 7pH Buffer Solution (2 Bottles)

Pint size bottles with 7pH buffer solution


PH10-P: 10pH Buffer Solution (2 Bottles)

Pint size bottles with 10pH buffer solution


buffer solution for pH meter

PH103: Tripak Buffer Pouches (4, 7 and 10pH plus rinse solution)

Pre-made convenient calibration solutions for pH meters.  Convenient, pre-measured pH calibration solutions for your meter. Rinsing solution used for cleaning off the pH electrode before and after taking measurements to prevent contamination (6 pouches of pH4 solution, 6 pouches of pH7 solution, 6 pouches of pH10 solution, 2 pouches of rinse solution).

buffer solution pouches

650470: Tripak Dry Powder Buffer Capsules (4, 7 and 10pH)

Convenient calibration solutions in capsules for pH meters.  The 650470 is a set of Tripak Dry Powder Buffer Capsules. Provides convenient calibration solutions in capsules for pH meters. Includes 3 vials (10 capsules each) of 4, 7 and 10 pH dry powder buffers and one dispenser vial of colour key preservative.

buffer powder capsules

60120B: Mini pH Electrode (10x120mm)

General purpose, mini size glass bulb pH sensing electrode

The 60120B is a pH Electrode. This electrode fits virtually any pH meter that accepts a BNC connector. Features a 0 to 80°C operating temperature, 0 to 14pH range, and a glass pH sensing bulb surrounded by protective teeth.

mini electrode for pH meter

601100: Flat Surface pH Electrode

Rugged pH sensing electrode for solid products with minimal moisture contents

The 601100 is a PVC-bodied, easy-to-clean flat surface pH electrode. The product is ideal for solid products with minimal moisture like cheese, soils or electrophoretic/agar gels. Includes 39 in. cable with BNC connection.

flat surface electrode for pH meter

601500: Standard pH Electrode (12 x 160mm)

General purpose, standard size glass bulb pH sensing electrode.The Extech 601500 is an Electrode pH BNC Combination. This standard pH electrode includes a long 39 in. (1m) cable for hassle free use, BNC connector and storage solution bottle.

standard pH meter electrode
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