Sep 26, 2021

Techris Systems
Indoor Air Quality, air conditioning and ventilation

Avoiding Air Pollution by Staying Indoors - Think Again!
Indoor air pollution can be silent & deadly.

If you thought staying at home or remaining indoors helps avoid air pollution - then think again! Environmental pollution can pose a number of risks to your health and in particular to vulnerable groups of people with existing health conditions, but did you know that you are also at risk of indoor air pollution? 


Indoor Air Quality

As we enter the winter months, cold air traps pollution and remains in the air for longer, people remain indoors to avoid bad weather, air pollution risks increase. Bacteria and mould, excess moisture & carbon monoxide, all increase as we close our windows and ramp up the heating, increasing the temperature and humidity, which are ideal breeding conditions for all these pollutants. If you thought cleaning your lovely home or office would help reduce these pollutants - think again! Cleaning products and air fresheners release air pollutants and chemicals that can remain in the air for long periods of time.



Ventilation is key to help reduce indoor air pollution and improve the air quality of your home or office building. As we continue to build homes and buildings that provide better insulation and seal windows and doors to prevent heat from escaping, we are in effect preventing the natural air flow and ventilation in our homes and offices. To help improve indoor air quality, open windows on a regular basis, use fans and insert air vents where possible to increase ventilation. This will also have a positive affect on health by helping to reduce colds and alleviate asthma, cardiovascular disease and COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms and will also help to reduce the levels of bacteria, moulds and viruses.


Monitoring Air Quality

Testing or monitoring the air indoors on a regular basis, is the only way to accurately record the indoor air quality of your home or building. Air conditioning units can be a cause for concern if not serviced regularly. Monitoring the temperature and air flow will ensure that your air conditioning units are operating correctly.


Techris Systems can provide you with temperature and humidity thermometers, data loggers, CO2 carbon dioxide meters, gas analysers and anemometers together with our HVAC measuring equipment range that can help you check your indoor air quality systems.

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