Lux meters to measure light intensity or brightness in lux or foot candles - an important factor in workplaces to measure the amount of light in a space or work surface. The meter captures the light reading and coverts to lux visible on the LCD.
The LX 100 handheld luxmeter is designed to measure illuminance in foot candles or lux.
Instantaneous measurement display illuminance for local measurements. Measuring Units: kfc, fc, lux, klx.
The LX50 handheld luxmeter is designed to measure luminance in foot candles or lux.
Featuring a built-in silicon photodiode light sensor.
The LX200 hand-held luxmeter is specially designed for illuminance measurement in kfc, fc, lux, klx. It allows storage of datasets for
processing and data printing on a computer via the LLX200 software.
Gorteens, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, Ireland