

Digital Handheld Refractometers

Refractive Index/Brix -  Brix (sucrose) - Fructose - Glucose - Invert Sugar

Fruit Juices and Industrial Fluids and Dissolved Salts

Five sugar refractometers to meet the requirements of the food industry. Digital refractometers, rugged, portable and water-resistant for measurements in the lab or field.

HI-96800 Refractive Index/Brix,

HI-96801 % Brix (sucrose)

HI-96802 Fructose

Hi-96803 Glucose

HI-96804 Invert Sugar

HI Series Refractometers

Portable handheld digital refractometers / Brix Meters used in obtaining a refractive index into Brix .  Used in a number of areas i.e. laboratory or R&D, brewing or spirit production, salinity.  The RF series refractometers are used to measure concentrations in fruit juices and industrial fluids.  Compact, easy to use units with simple focus adjustment.

Supplied with case, calibration screwdriver, plastic pipette and calibration solution.

Multipurpose Refractometers

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