Mar 03, 2021

Techris Systems
instrumentation for the environment sector

Lockdown Love for Green Spaces!

The Covid-19 pandemic has been stressful for a lot of us with reduced energy levels, lack of exercise and fresh air. Restrictions on travel have highlighted the importance of access to green spaces i.e. parks, loughs/lakes, playgrounds, beaches etc especially in urban areas. The benefits to public health by providing access to green spaces (particularly in cities) has become a topic for discussion during the Covid-19 crisis, as the benefits have proven to relieve stress and help our general well-being. Future urban development could change as a result of recent times and there is no doubt that it will definitely be for the better.

But is it enough just to simply provide more parks and playgrounds?

There is no doubt that immersing in nature relieves stress and can help with reducing high blood pressure and alleviating cardiovascular disease, but it is also associated with positive mental health and green space also promotes and protects wildlife.  Some countries like Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands are leading the way in provision of increased public access to green space in urban areas and in Sweden, it is stated among their national, environmental objectives. Countries like these have realised the value of green space provision. For some people though, access is difficult. Many older people or those with disabilities often find parks or beaches are inaccessible and spaces like toilets a challenge. It is important that better consideration is given to design and planning and access to all, with any future planning around green spaces.

The power of nature and natural sounds can decrease our stress levels and is good for our well-being. Being surrounded by nature and listening to natural sounds has a positive effect on our lives.

Techris Systems provide a range of sound level meters, Air velocity meters, CO2 Meters and Lux Meters to suit your needs and environment. e.g. industrial, health and safety, entertainment venues, noise pollution inspections and construction

Check out our full range of instrumentation for the Environmental Sector below.

Instrumentation for the Environmental Sector
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