Mar 15, 2021

Techris Systems
freezing tempertaures

Texas Freezing Temperatures - Polar Vortex

UN weather experts have said that the US state of Texas freezing temperatures last February 2021 have been explained as a “polar vortex”. 

The temperatures in Texas during this month were the coldest experienced since 1989. A representative of the World Meterological Organisation Clare Nullis (WMO) said during a briefing in Geneva this year, that the vortex is an “area of low pressure and cold air, surrounding either of the poles… It normally keeps cold air in the Arctic, warmer air in the lower latitudes. It weakened this winter so that meant that the cold air came spinning out of the Artic…warm air by contrast went into parts of the Arctic.”

No less than 62 all-time daily cold minimum temperature records were broken in the United States on February 11-16, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Nullis added.

Climate Change

February was a particularly cold month but indications are that the current warming trend due to climate change, is likely to continue.

“The fact that we had a relatively cold month does not negate climate change, it does not reverse the long-term trend in rising temperatures due to global warming, climate change”, Ms Nullis said. “The fact that we’ve got Covid 19 which temporarily put a brake on emissions last year does not mean that the need for climate action is diminishing.”


Global Temperature Increases

It is known that earth's surface temperature has increased about 1.18°C since the late 19th century, mostly down to the increase of carbon dioxide emissions. Recent years have proven to be the warmest years on record.   The last seven years have been the warmest seven years on record, typifying the ongoing and dramatic warming trend,” said GISS NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director, Gavin Schmidt. 

Thermometer Records

Thermometer records that go back to the late 18th century provide evidence for surface temperatures and other sources such as tree rings or ice cores help with past temperature records. 

Temperature recording equipment has made it much easier to document temperature changes in more recent times and estimates tell us that between 1989 and 2019 was most likely the warmest period in almost 800 years.


Techris Systems provide a wide range of temperature measurement instrumentation with various temperature ranges for taking temperatures of food, fridges, freezers.

More Info on Digital Thermometers
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